Is Sex Addiction Real Or A Chakra Imbalance?

I recently wathced a video on youtube, titled “Is Sex Addiction Real?“, a self-proclaimed sex addict claims that he has had between 30 and 35 affairs in his first 20 years of marriage and sometimes had between 3 to 5 orgasms per day.

For now, lets turn our attention away from psychological labels and delve deeper into our energetic system. The Chakras, which can be translated as “spinning wheel” are located in different parts of the body from the root chakra, off of the tailbone, to the crown chakra at the top of the head and with several chakras in between.

Our sexual feelings are primarily governed by our Sacral Chakra, also known as the second or sex chakra. According to author Keith Sherwood, women will often try to repress their sexual energy out of fear of attracting unwanted sexual attention, blocking the energy from flowing upwards. Men often disrupt the flow of sexual energy by using sex like a drug, causing the energy to be lost, instead of drawing the energy up towards the crown.

Silky Sensual Massage Experience

In my view, people who claim to be “sex addicts”, are constantly allowing their sexual energy to go to waste by drawing energy from the other chakras. The result is they have purely genital orgasms, which leave them feeling depleted and in a state of insatiable desire, regardless of whether it is a craving for cigarettes, alcohol, food, heroine or sex. The excessive act of inhaling, injecting, ingesting or ejaculating, while it satisfies temporarily, it depletes a person energetically.

Fortunately, all is not lost for “sex addicts”. A very simple solution would to practice drawing sexual energy up to the crown at the point of orgasm, by placing your tongue to the roof of your mouth at the soft palate (to prevent a rapid surge of energy to the crown), while imagining drawing the energy from your sex center, with your breath, towards the top of your head.


This is a great exercise for all, because it helps balance out the chakras and transmute sexual energy. A person will experience more overall vitality and a greater capacity to feel love.

If you think you are having a ‘sex addiction’ issue, maybe you can try tantric massage, it will help you to control the sexual energy.